Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Practicing Taiji Form 8 Before Going to Bed

Last year I learned Taiji Quan Form 8. I really like it and have found it improves the quality of my sleep when I do it before going to bed.

This Taiji Quan Form 8 is based on Yang style. It has the following features:
1. It is easy to learn - you can learn it in 2-3 sessions with each session lasts about one hour
2. The movements are symmetrical - one movement is performed on each side of the body in a symmetrical way
3. The movements are all very easy to do
4. It requires very little space to do it. All the movements are centered around your body and you don't need a big room to do it.

Practicing Taiji Quan Form 8 with a good relaxing Chinese music can put your mind and body into a relax mood which is what you need after a full work day, isn't it?

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