Friday, June 09, 2006

Tai Chi - A Westener's View Points

Meanwhile: Tai chi - Old energy for a new age
By C.J. Moore International Herald Tribune
June 5, 2006

Tai Chi Chuan = "supreme ultimate fist."

"The name reveals it to be a combative art, but much practice and guidance with a master are required to be able to draw on tai chi in a situation of real conflict. Many will not get past first principles, but as the first stage is to make yourself mentally and physically fit and healthy, that is already well worth attaining."

"The slow, dance-like form, with a powerful hint of energy coming from an inner center, has something mysteriously attractive about it."

"Perhaps the crowning achievement of tai chi, in the words of the writer Cheng Tin Hung, is that it can change one's disposition: "After practising over a period of time, a hot-tempered man will change into a gentle man." One of my tai chi teachers put it another way. "It brings out the beauty in a person," he said. "With time, you see the change in someone's face.""

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